How to fix Body Posture ?

You can be able to have a good body posture by stretching, yoga and some effective exercises.

Active for Fitness

Having a good posture is more than a better look. So everyone desires for a good posture. It enhances our body flexibility and strength. It can also lead to less muscle pain and better energy. A good posture is necessary for our back. Some of us are having a curve body and that is definitely not a good posture. So if you are having this problem and want to get rid of it !

Then this article is for you. Proper posture can also reduce your stress on your muscles and ligaments, which can reduce your risk of having an injury in working out .

What is a good Posture ?

1.Neutral head position : The head is held in line with the spine and the ears should match up with the midline of the body.

2.Slight thoracic curvature: While the chest should be up nice and tall. The thoracic spine should maintain a slight kyphotic curve. However if this curve is excessive it can result in both rounded shoulders and forward head position.

3.Neutral shoulder position : The shoulder should be in line with trunk and ears not hunched over or rounded forward.

4.Neutral pelvis position: The pelvis should be titled anteriorly at a slight angle (between 0 and 10 degree is considered normal). Any more than cause further postural deviations up the chain while also impacting negatively on the knees and ankle

What causes poor posture ?

Some health conditions can affect your posture, such as:

  • infections in your spine
  • spinal stenosis
  • back injuries
  • obesity
  • scoliosis
  • upper back pain, sacroiliitis

Problems with posture can also be caused by conditions that weaken one or more of the structures that support the body. These structures include your:

  • neck
  • shoulders
  • spine
  • hips
  • back muscles
  • abdominal wall

Standing or sitting for too long on a regular basis can cause bad posture. Examples of activities that can affect your posture include:

  • working at the computer
  • sitting on the couch watching TV
  • standing around at a football game

In some cases, people are born with genetic conditions that affect the shape of the spine and hips. This can influence posture from birth. Such conditions can be managed to reduce the harmful effects they can have on posture over time.

In other cases, injuries from sports or other activities can affect your posture as the body protects itself from pain or further injury, such as by limping when you have hurt your foot.

Your posture may change as a result of the work you do or other activities that lead to overuse of different parts of the body.

Underuse can also be a problem. For example, weak back and abdominal muscles, can affect our ability to maintain a good posture.

Are you making this posture mistakes ?

1.Not moving enough

2.Hunching your shoulders

3.Gazing downward for too long

4.obtuse and acute angles

5.worst way to sit at your desk

6.keepings elbows and wrists bent for too long

7.not using your core muscles

8.using your couch for work

9.sleeping in a wrong position

10.not stretching ( multiple times ) throughout the day

Several exercises to fix your body posture and get the desired one

1.Prone cobra:

Prone cobra

2.Glute bridge:

Glute Bridge

3.Pegion pose:

Pegion pose

4.Thoracic spine rotation:

Thoracic spine rotation:

5.Puppy pose:

Puppy pose

6.Locust pose:

Locust pose

7.Forward folds:

Forward folds

Each of these exercises are very effective to improve your Boy posture . you can do both exercises 2 times a day for (3x-4x) reps and every rep you can hold this position for 15-20 seconds.

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